Friday, December 31, 2010

We did it!

We did it! 1,2 in class and 4th 5th overall!!! fuel mileage was so close that the cars sputtered just after the taking the checker flag....AWESOME!


  1. Awesome is right! Another Lemons in the Carolinas in Feb? This race must have been a FUN TIMe! Happy New Year!

  2. Amazing job guys! prepared two very solid cars! Lots of effort their, especially from team owner John Dean. Brillant amount of talent in all the drivers and a very enjoyable group as well to spend the New Years with. Big thx to our mechanic Josh for working so hard, his effort was so important in winning this thing & thx to Johnny and John for running the show so smoothly, extremly well thought out, pro job! Time to finally get some sleep -Glenn
